Monday, March 25, 2013

Week 1...Day 2.....Music is my time machine

Day 2:  2 miles

  The most snow accumulation in St. Louis since 1982.  REALLY??

 I seriously doubt I would have ran today had it not been for my readers. There are 500 school closing in St. Louis today and I'm going to be running in this crap.  JOY!  I have 2 people who have already committed to running a 5K with me.  If I quit, I'm not just letting myself down, I'm letting them down too.

I pulled my clothes on and went out the door.  Thankfully MO DOT does a pretty good job, the roads were decent.  I tiptoed across the driveway trying not to get my shoes wet and made it to the road, hit the watch and started the jog.  Thankfully Greg had mapped out a perfect mile for me so all I had to do was loop it twice.  About 1/4 of a mile in, my hands were freezing.  The gloves weren't cutting it.  I thought to myself after the first loop, I'll run back inside, this is just ridiculous.  I HATE BEING COLD.  Snow is pretty.....on a postcard! 

I was about to the 1/2 mile mark, where I needed to circle this cul-de-sac and loop back in the direction I had just come from.  Up until this point I had kept my eyes on the road. (Remember, I'm super clumsy).  I was looking ahead to see if the road had been cleared when my right foot hit a pot hole filled with water and I twisted my ankle.  So much for keeping my feet dry.  But I recovered and walked the cul-de-sac.  It could have been much worse and I was lucky.  Something small like that can take you out of the game, so lesson learned.  Watch where you're going ding-dong!!

Today's theme song...Cinderella Man.....Eminem. (MUSIC IS MY TIME MACHINE is a line in the song) This song came on right after the ankle twist.  I forgot about the initial pain in my ankle.  I forgot I was cold and I forgot I still had a mile and a half to go. Surprisingly after that start, the next mile flew by.  So much so that I sprinted the last 100 yards with a finishing time of 26:21 or a 13:11 pace per mile  (PACE is runners "lingo")  I'll teach you as I learn!

If anyone has any suggestions on music I would love to hear them.  Right now I am listening to Greg's Ipod and we don't necessarily have the same taste in music.  He's a peaceful person and can listen to Michael Buble while he's training where I have to listen to something angry.  I need someone yelling in my ear to keep me moving!

Here are some pictures of what it looked like outside today.  The last one is of me, yesterday

Tomorrow is my first day off..WOOHOO.  Wednesday...3 miles!

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