Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 1/Day 3

3 Miles

I went  into todays run a little nervous but pretty confident.  After all, the last time I ran, which was 2 miles, I was sprinting to the finish.  Obviously I had more in me so 3 miles shouldn't be to bad, right?  WRONG!  I don't know if it was because I had yesterday off, or if it was because I waited until after work to run.  But from the start, today was tough!  I did everything I could think of to take my mind off the fact that my legs were burning 20 yards in.  I sang, played the air drums (which by the way I'm convinced I missed my calling as a rock star) and did my best to clear my mind.  We mothers don't get those moments very often and when we do, we need to take advantage of it.  If we don't ever get a chance to clear our heads they start to spin around and we start speaking in tongues...not a pretty sight for anyone!  Anyway, I was just about to get lost in my own happy, childless, chore-less, free thinking thoughts when it happened........side cramp.  UGH!!! As if this is not hard enough, I'm running in melted snow so my feet are getting soaked and every time I take a step the water comes up and splashes me on the back of the I have a side cramp.  But that's not it.....wait for it......Ear aches....BOTH ears.  Greg and I did a little research a while back and figured out that I have some kind of  "short canal:" or something and that I should keep my ears covered because cold weather and vigorous activity cause it to flair up causing EXTREME PAIN that can last for about 15 mins after I stop running. Well, me being the genius that I am decided not to cover my ears today because I thought it was "warm".  Considering what it has been, it was warm.  So, I walked off the side cramp.  I was halfway finished by this point. Lol....yes, all of that happened withing the first mile and a half.  I wont bore you with the second half because it wasn't much different from the first.  Just alot more of me complaining to myself.  The important thing is....I FINISHED. And guess what?  I finished with a 12:19 pace!!!  3 miles in 36:57.  The moral of the was hard work, mentally and physically.  But I have a new personal record or "PR". And I'm glad I did it. 

Each day is a new challenge that I overcome.  Some days are harder then others but in the end....I conquered and I take pride in that.  I DID IT FOR ME just like you should do it for YOU!

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