Saturday, May 25, 2013

Vegas hurts!!!

Hey everybody,

I know, I know, I have been MIA for a couple of weeks.  But to answer your questions...yes and no.  Yes, as in I have still been training and No, as in not to the best of my ability.  I went to Las Vegas, because I have some of the best friends in the world, one of which happens to be THE BEST Optometrist in Cumberland County, TN, Dr. Cory Bosanko....don't take my word for it, he won some award saying so.  Anyway, he really loves surprising his wife with things and apparently I am one of them.  We had such a fantastic time that I was only able to run 1 of the 2 scheduled miles ( it was originally 5 miles but I charmed my coach...aka..Greg). But I justified it by telling myself I walked too much on the strip the night before.  That's justifiable, right?  Well, now that I am completely free of toxins I can debunk that justification and say, No.  Not unless I plan to walk my races.  Oh well, I can't get that time back and lets face it, it was a great time with great friends that I don't see nearly enough!!

Here I am, back on level ground and my head is no longer spinning....from the flight ;)  Time to get back to business.  My first run back was torture.  I literally felt like I was back to square one and was actually a little worried that I was going to have to start all over.  Usually when I go out for a run I am constantly trying to beat my best 5K time.  Up until this run I have always been successful (only by a second or 2).  This time it was slower by at least 2 minutes. 

My first actual race is June 1st.  It's an 80's 5K.  I have a goal time of 32 minutes.  So far, the fastest I have ran in training is 33:54.  I don't have much longer do I?!  For those of you who are saying "damn, 32 minutes, what's she doing, walking?".......depends who you are.  If you're a runner, then yes, compared to you it would seem like I am walking but if you're not a runner...I'm running circles around you while you're sitting on your couch judging me ;)  Whatever time I finish I will still PR.  I run 5K's in training all the time but never in an actual race so I'm pretty excited!  AND I get to dress up in 80's can this not be one of the best days of my life, right?!

I look forward to telling you all about my first race!!!

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