Saturday, April 27, 2013

Week 5 Hampster Wheel

Week 5 is now over and I can check yet another week off the training schedule.  Surprisingly, running is really becoming a part of my life.  I thought when I began this crazy journey that I would be totally focused on the main purpose for all of this, which was my camera.  And to tell you the truth, I rarely even think about the camera.  In the short 5 weeks that I have been training and writing this blog, "Crazy Mamma on the Run" has exploded into something I would have never imagined.  During my effort to train for a half marathon, there have been so many other mothers who have come forward, that are interested in being healthier, that I now have a "Crazy Mamma on the Run" Facebook page that spans 5 states.  One of my "Crazy Mamma's" even designed a logo for us.  Check her out at, she is very talented!!

This week, I ran my first 4 mile run.  Unfortunately, the rain made it impossible for me to run outside.  For the first time, other then a 5 minute warm up, I had to get on the treadmill.  That was an experience!!!!  I prefer to call it the hamster wheel.  At least when I'm on the road I have something to look at.  This was the most BORING 4 miles of my life.  The only thing I had to look at was my reflection in the window in front of me.  Honestly, nobody wants to know what they really look like when they're running.  So, I focused on the reflections of the people behind me....made me feel a little better about myself...haha.  We all look like ridiculous panting dogs.  But then again, some of them had an excuse...they were on oxygen.
Since I'm used to just hitting the watch and running, the hamster wheel had me frustrated before I could even begin.  It had been so long since I had been on one that I had forgotten about the quick start.  But I figured it out and started my workout.  Then my shoe came untied, my coat fell on the belt and I had to take a call about one of kids...each time I thought I was hitting pause but it was starting it over and losing my workout.  Needless to say, 1 mile in, I was ready to throw in the towel and call it a day.  But I pushed on and finished my 4 miles, which I'm pretty sure was closer to 5 considering all the times I hit "pause".   I will say there are pro's and con's to the hamster wheel.  Con's: you never get anywhere. It's boring!!!!  Running inside SUCKS because the only breeze you get is from the panting of your neighbor.  Pro's:  I like that I can control my speed and really push myself and  I'm able, for a change ,to run on a flat surface (My neighborhood is full of hills).  All in all, I was totally dreading the workout but in the end I persevered and made it through.  It was a change in atmosphere, and that's always a plus.

The next day was my second "first" of  my training.  My Fartlek workout ( yes, pronounced FART-LICK) I would run 1 minute as fast as I could, walk a minute, then run 2 minutes as fast as I could....for 25 minutes. HARD, HARD, HARD!!!!  Greg called me later in the day and said that while he was uploading my workout to Garmin, he noticed that at one point during my run that I had a pace of 5:50.  Now, you can say what you want but I felt like I was the next up and coming, break out, Olympic Gold medalist!!

Today is Saturday, a 3 mile run was on the schedule.  But, mommy duties called and I was unable to fit it into the schedule.  Normally I would feel guilty but today it didn't bother me.  Physically and mentally I feel the difference if I don't get my run in.  But today, it was raining all day, its saturday and I decided to focus on my ultimate goal......FAMILY!  Because in the end, who's gonna be there cheering me on....the 3 loves of my life!

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